Welcome to Making Space: Mindful Movement (MSMM), a space where you can the joy of movement. MSMM believes in creating a nurturing and inclusive environment, where everyone feels supported, celebrated, empowered, and encouraged to explore their unique potential. Through mindfulness exercises and engaging activities, participants learn to embrace their bodies, express themselves authentically, and cultivate essential life skills like focus, resilience, and self-confidence.

A Mindful Movement

Studio Classes & Community Classes

Studio Series Classes:

For those seeking a more focused and progressive approach to mindful movement, our Studio Series classes are the perfect fit. These classes are designed with a tailored curriculum that allows for a deeper exploration of specific movement and mindfulness practices. Studio Series Classes provide a structured environment where participants can enhance their skills, receive individualized attention, and build a strong foundation in mindful movement. Each class builds upon the previous one to develop abilities and confidence over time. Sign up

Community Classes:

Our Community Classes are a fantastic way to engage in mindful movement within the broader community. These classes are held at various locations and cater to a wide range of ages and skill levels. Community Classes encourage social interaction, fostering a sense of belonging and connection among young participants. Sign up